Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This summer, Lisa (that's my wife) lost her bulldog. Well she didn't lose it, really, as it weighed like a million pounds and snored. We knew where it was, it just quit snoring one night. I thought having the mess of cats (4? 6? I lose track...), the pot bellied pig, and all the fish and turtles would somehow make it easier, but we all missed her (the bulldog) and so eventually I succumbed and we traveled to Thatcher, AZ to look at some puppies. She initially wanted another bulldog, and then a french bulldog. I wasn't excited by the potential health problems that bulldogs have, and by chance, one of Tony Robbins' event speakers, who is a friend, happens to have a french bulldog so I asked him about his dog.

"Dumber than a box of wood, and that dog has cost me $30,000 in vet bills this year." Granted this is a really cute dog ... but that it a little excessive.

So eventually we were steered to a Boston Terrier. They are small, yet where the bulldog had almost no energy, this dog has periods of lots of energy, and then no energy at all. So she is really cute when she is sleeping, and a holy terror when she is awake. Why "LickeyBitey" ? because, once she finds a body part she can lick (ears are a favorite) then the next phase is biting. She loves to nibble on earlobes. And it really tickles. So meet Fiona, the Lickey Bitey Boston Terror, er terrier.